Mark Twain once said that you should “eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”
This is true for each new year as it is for each new day. If you want to be one of the few people to actually make their new year’s resolutions stick, then you have to come out of the gate strong. And, boy, do the folks participating in Seattle’s Resolution Run 5K & Polar Bear Dive come out strong.
Each year, on January 1, while most of us are sill nursing our hangovers, hundreds of competitors brave Seattle’s wintry weather to run a 5-km race that takes a brief detour into Lake Washington roughly 100 yards before the 5K finish line.
If the self-satisfaction of doing something positive for a change is not enough, participants are also rewarded with free chili, hot chocolate and other tasty foods after the race. Perhaps most importantly, the race also features a beer tent for those of us who like to follow the tradition of making New Year’s procrastinations.

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