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The Beauty of Encontro Das Aguas

The Beauty of Encontro Das Aguas

WOE Media

There are quite a few wonders of the world and some of their beauty can never be fully captured on film. One of the most beautiful places in the world can only be described by looking at the many photographs of it. It is called Encontro Das Aguas. It loosely translates to where the waters meet. This phenomenon happens near the Northern city of Manaus in Brazil. This is where the black, Negro River meets the Amazon River. The interesting thing about these two rivers is that they do not mix right away thus causing the look of two separate rivers with a clear separation down the middle. This phenomenon occurs at quite a few other places along the Amazon River.

Many visitors to this site have said it reminds them of an oil spill, but assured this is no oil spill. The two rivers colliding is only part of nature and how the differences in the two rivers truly work. This has been one of the most studied phenomenons in the world and it will continue to happen every day until there are no more rivers.

The Rio Negro is a tributary of the Amazon River. It is black in color and it is the world’s longest black river. The black color comes from all of the decaying vegetable matter that comes from the rainforests and swamps in the area. It has incredible high levels of acid as well. The Amazon is a thick and sandy river, which is what causes the brown appearance that it has. When the two of these rivers meet, this is the Encontro Das Aquas. Because of how different these rivers are, the appearance of the sandbar look is what occurs in this place between the two rivers.

The meeting of these two rivers happens for one reason. It happens because of the differences in speed, temperature, and the density of the water in the two rivers. When the two of these rivers first meet, they have a tendency to bounce right off of each other. They do not connect immediately. The Negro River is much colder, heavier, and moves much slower than the Amazon River.

There is a way for tourists to view this amazing phenomenon. Boat cruises make tours to sail out to the two rivers at different times of the day. This is one of the most popular tourist activities to do when in Brazil. Many tourists come to see it to relax and see just how beautiful it is. When the two rivers are touched by human hands, there are distinct differences in temperature and texture of both of the rivers.

If ever given the chance, this is a place where people should visit. It is worth the trip just to see how beautiful the two of these rivers are together. It will be the moment of a lifetime when they touch and feel the differences as well.

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