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Step Foot on the “Valley of the Moon” in Brazil

Step Foot on the “Valley of the Moon” in Brazil

WOE Media

Earth is known to be home to some fascinating, seemingly otherworldly places. One such place is Vale da Lua in Brazil, which is adjacent to the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park in the Brazilian Highlands. It is an area where ancient lava flows and the São Miguel River have carved the rocks into interesting shapes. They look like ripples and waves, but they’re actually solid rock. There is, however, a lot of water in the area too, which adds to the beauty of the place. Full of small pools and large waterfalls, Vale da Lua is attractive to those who are interested in rock climbing or trying to find natural water slides to play on.

Vale da Lua translates to Valley of the Moon. It received this name because the rocks give people the impression of moon rocks. Now, you don’t even have to leave the Earth to get a glimpse of what the Moon’s landscape might look like in person! Just travel on over to Vale da Lua and imagine yourself among the craters of the Moon, with  water and trees all around you.

The wonders of Vale da Lua don’t stop at the weird rocks and pools of water for it is also packed with quartz crystals. This makes the area shine brightly when looked at by astronauts from outer space, which gives one a sense that this place is full of power. Indeed, many people believe these crystals have special healing powers. Either way, they’re pretty beautiful to look at.

If you would like to visit Vale da Lua, you’ll probably be in luck in terms of privacy, because the area is relatively unknown to most people, even to Brazilians. It’s the perfect place to swim, explore the rocky area, or simply sit and enjoy nature. There is certainly plenty to see on a hike through the area, and the landscape could make for a pretty spectacular photoshoot.

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