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The Magnificent Blue Caves and the Shipwreck Beach, Greece

The Magnificent Blue Caves and the Shipwreck Beach, Greece

WOE Media

Navagio Beach, or Shipwreck Beach, and the Blue Caves are interesting locations on the island of Zakynthos in the Municipality of Elation in Greece. This island ranks among the largest in the Ionian Sea. It is also the second most-visited of the Ionian Islands after Corfu, thanks in part to the presence of the Navagio Beach and the Blue Caves there. Several thousands of tourists pay visits to these breathtaking locations every year.

About Navagio Beach

The beach has a bit of history associated to it and that is part of the reasons why many people troop to the area round the year. Smugglers Cove, which is one of the other names Navagio Beach is known by, gives a good idea of the history behind the location. A ship known as Panagiotis, which was believed to have been used by smugglers for transporting cigarettes, got wrecked on the beach in 1980.

There are divergent explanations on how the smuggling ship got wrecked. A version had it that the Panagiotis was run aground on the beach when the Hellenic Coast Guard, after being tipped off about smuggling of contraband around Zakynthos Island, decided to give it a chase. In another account, the ship was said to have turned over as a cargo of contraband commodities it carried was being unloaded on the beach. Whatever the version you chose to believe, the shipwreck led to the change in the name of the isolated Zakynthos island cove from Agios Georgios to other names such as Navagio Beach, Shipwreck Beach, The Shipwreck and Smugglers Cove.

About the Blue Caves

The stunning Blue Caves can be found on the western section of Zakynthos Island. The location, which is only accessible by water, is also known as the Blue Caves of Volimes after the charming village nearby. They are among the must-see places on this Greek island. The blue hue of the caves results from a combination of the color of the waters and that of the sky which is reflected off the surface of the waters. The caves have arches through which you can gain entry into them and these arches are the outcomes of erosion that occurred there several thousands of years ago. The feeling around this location is simply magical.

Top Destinations for Tourists

Navagio Beach and the Blue Caves are arguably among the leading attractions that Zakynthos Island can pride itself in. The fact that these locations can only be accessed via the sea has not doused the interest of so many visiting tourists. The clear blue waters, white sand beaches and, of course, the remains of the Panagiotis which still lie buried in white sandy dunes are some of the interesting sights that await.

The isolated nature of these locations also makes for a peaceful place for escape in order to refresh your mind with beautiful scenery. It is a good idea to take a camera along so that you can capture some of the amazing views and relive the experience after leaving the island. If you are enthralled by underwater exploration, there is also a perfect opportunity to engage in diving around these parts.

A trip to Navagio Beach and the Blue Caves is one to remember for a long time. Boats leave for the beach from Zakynthos City, Alykes, Cape Skinari, Porto Vromi and Agios Nikolaos. Cape Skinari is a perfect place to catch a boat to both the Shipwreck Beach and the Blue Caves, with neither location exceeding about five minutes’ drive away.

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