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Marvel at Holland’s Technicolor Tulip Fields

Marvel at Holland’s Technicolor Tulip Fields

WOE Media

Arranged in perfectly neat rows along Holland’s northern countryside in springtime are extraordinary flower fields that are just a treat to the eyes. More than 9 billion fresh, bulbous, and multicolored tulips spring up in neatly lined rows giving the countryside a splash of color like gamma pixels on a computer screen.

The Netherlands is world-famous for its tulip fields. Since its firs blossom emerged from Dutch soil in 1593, the tulip has become the country’s most adored flora, top grossing export, and national symbol for the years to come. Billions of tulips are grown annually every year from March to May, and more than 60% of these flowers are exported worldwide, especially to the USA and Germany.

During the months of spring, the tulip fields in full bloom are a visual feast that tourists just can’t get enough of. Visitors can rent a bike and cycle along the fragrant rows of these flower farms for its cinematic feel. But it’s only for a limited time that they can enjoy this experience, because once summer sets in only mundane vegetables will be grown in place of the blooms.

Besides its flower fields, Holland is also famous for the Keukenhof Gardens, a historic park filled with spectacular displays of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, and other spring bulbs amongst which visitors can loosen up and find rest. The park is open only during spring season from mid-March to mid-May.

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