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Honokohau Falls – Maui’s Tallest Waterfall

Honokohau Falls – Maui’s Tallest Waterfall

Hailey Brotze

Dubbed as the tallest waterfall on the island of Maui, Hawaii, Honokohau Falls is a two-tiered natural beauty standing tall and proud at the height of 341 meters. However, some sources claim it to be at the height of 487 meters.

It is no wonder that this natural wonder was featured in the movie ‘Jurassic Park’ as it recreated and lent a feeling of a striking otherworldly place.

The famed Honokohau Falls is named after the long Honohokau stream, a river that flows starting from the summit of Puu Kukui. It is a must-see spot while you are in Hawaii with its magnificent view. However, don’t be fooled by its beauty as getting there is not as convenient as you think.

Honokohau Falls is inaccessible by car and hiking, so booking a helicopter/chopper ride is the only way to get to this beautiful part of Maui. One need not worry as there are various travel agencies operating in the area that offer a private tour of this waterfall. Although, travelers are advised to book in advance in order to prevent any disappointments later on.

Sightseeing also depends on the weather as this area receives frequent rains. There are times when the sea of clouds shroud Honokohau Falls, so it is best to check the weather before scheduling a helicopter trip to this natural landmark.

The Puu Kukui summit gets more than 9,000 mm of rain each year, so this part of Maui is considered to be receiving the highest rainfalls in the world.

The waterfalls lovingly cascade and drop from the peak of the mountains and drop powerfully into a pool facing down the cliff. As Honokohau Falls is two-tiered, it can be seen that the water spills inward into a small pool and plunges deeper into several hundred feet to another pool at the bottom-most part of the mountain.

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