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An Awesomely Illustrated World Map That’ll Make You Ditch Yours

An Awesomely Illustrated World Map That’ll Make You Ditch Yours

WOE Media

Your travel bucket lists shouldn’t always be written on a plain white sheet – that’s too boooorrring. Make it cool, make it graphic and turn it into a convenient yet fun map. The Bucketlistmap of Awesome Maps will surely drive you to point and conquer that dream destination.

This awesomely huge map becomes your adventure guide in finding out what the world offers from the most touristy sites to the isolated ones. It exceeds the use of an ordinary map because of the illustrations printed in each country together with the travel notes that you can cross out once you’ve finally seen or done them.

The Bucketlistmap is available in 4 different paper types: the matte finish, the re-writable, the scratch edition (scratchable silver layer-covered map), and the XXL canvas (2x bigger than the rest).

See Also
Metal Carport

If you wanna know more, visit Awesome Maps.

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