Your pet on the plane or a surprise bunch of rats on the plane?! Of course, you’ll choose the former, but the rats on a plane part sounds interesting right? But before that, also see a bunch of visual treats with loads of fresh info in today’s Weekend Web Finds.
1. Winery maps
Wine enthusiasts, celebrate! A map featuring the wineries of Napa and Sonoma are available for purchase to help you cross out the vineyards and wine estates that you’ve already visited, and find out what should be your next target. Know more about these maps through Pop Chart Lab.
2. Hotdogs by the Numbers
Check out this infographic about America’s favorite summer food (and even if not summer) — hotdogs!
3. Maps of Countries Made From Their Regional Foods
Photographer Henry Hargreaves created the cartographic series with food stylist Caitlin Levin. Know what each country’s delicacies are through these eye-yummy maps. See the food maps here.
4. 100 Facts From Around The World
Etihad has brought an interesting infographic to mark its 100th aircraft — a new Airbus A321-231. See the full infographic here.
5. 21 Emotions For Which There Are No English Words
Some words can’t be translated with its full essence and in this infographic, you’ll see different emotions around the world that no single English word can easily explain.
6. The Best Times to Travel
Agoda made a really cool infographic that’ll help travelers know when’s the best time to go to their dream destination, especially if their first concern is the booking fees. See the whole infographic here.
7. Pet Travel Guide
Wanna travel with your grumpy yet lovable whiskers or adventurous pooch? This infographic gives you some guidelines that’ll ensure you and your pet will have a safe and happy flight together.
8. What The Innkeeper Won’t Tell You
After all these visuals, let’s get back to some good blog posts. If you’re used to staying at hostels or even hotels, you might wanna read this post from “One Road at a Time” about the things that you should take note of before trying to get in that bed & breakfast door. (Tip: Not the kitchen please!)
9. Singapore Reflected in Puddles
Yafiq Yusman took striking photos of the daily Singaporean scene in spots like the alleys of Little India, Chinatown and Boat Quay, with the help of rain puddles. Check out his awesome photos here.
10. Rats on a Plane!
Last August 4 in New Delhi, India, a plane had to be grounded due to some passengers that were figured out to be unrecorded and unexpected — rats. Eww how did they get in there? Know the whole news here. You can still see our previous Weekend Web Finds and check out our new posts here on WhenOnEarth. Also, follow us at our Facebook and Twitter page.

When On Earth Magazine is for people who love travel. We provide informative travel guides, tips, ideas and advice regarding places to see, things to do, what to taste, and much more for world travelers seeking their next dream vacation destination.