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Weekend Web Finds: Scary Mountain Biking, 50 Actual Film Locations You Can Visit and more

Weekend Web Finds: Scary Mountain Biking, 50 Actual Film Locations You Can Visit and more

WOE Media

The world is odd and so are you. Odd can be breathtakingly beautiful and you can easily tell it by seeing pink lakes, an endless space in a salt lake, and the sands of time that hide the most precious artifacts history can only explain. Where can you experience such oddities?

Read on our list of Weekend Web Finds and find out where to travel next.

1. Dinosaur egg hunting in Mongolia

We all know dinosaurs aren’t existing anymore, but who knows what surprise you can dig off from the sands of Mongolia’s Flaming Cliffs which is one of the greatest dinosaur fossil sites in the world. Read Tim Johnson’s experience here.

2. The World’s Oddly Colored Bodies of Water

Pink, blue, red, yellow and other colors dye the world’s bodies of water. Don’t believe it? See the beautiful evidences here.

3. Seven Airlines That Make Flying a Pleasure

Wondering what airlines serve its passengers the best and nothing but only the best? Check out this list and have a comfortable flight.

4. 50 Fictional Destinations You Can Actually Visit

When shooting films or creating animations, the location is always an essential thing to be well-thought of. Some are entirely imagined, some are sliced up from a certain place, and some are real-life destinations tweaked up a bit to match a fictional place. If you’re interested to find out where you can personally see some familiar places you’ve seen only in the movies, read this JustTheFlight’s infographic.

5. Breathtaking Photos of Salar de Uyuni Salt Flat

Asako Shimizu once dreamt to visit the Salar de Uyuni salt flat in Argentina. When she had the opportunity to travel to the salt flat, she captured unbelievable shots of the unbelievable site, which sums to awesome photos that will surely make you think it’s heaven on Earth. See her photos titled “On Her Skin” here.

6. Travel Etiquette Dos and Dont’s

What do you do when you’re in a flight, booking a hotel, or when an accident happens? There are ways that you can handle things correctly and incorrectly, and it’s your responsibility to keep note of these to have a smooth flowing trip. Read the article here.

7.  A Day Trip in China’s Sex Museum

Blogger Solitary Wanderer talks about her trip in a sex museum in Tongli, China. If you’re surprised to know China has one and wondering where Tongli is, read the article here.

8. Restaurants that are Worth the Wait

Long lines, reservations, and anything that’ll make you wait for hours or days — are they all worth it? Yes they are totally worth doing especially if the restaurant you’re going to visit is included in this list.

9. Mountain Biking Cuillin Ridgeline

Danny Macaskill is one crazy, talented, and brave man. With his biking skills, watch him as he skips over rocks and pedal all the way to the top. See the video here and remember to breathe!

10. Six Great Taco Recommendations

Forget the fastfood tacos for these tacos in these six locations are the real deal! Know where these taco-hubs are here.

Anything else? Remember, don’t hesitate to share us your finds! Just tell us through the comments section.

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