A collection of cool stories from around the globe we dug up while surfing the web this week.
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1. Google Street View camera selfies
Looks like the cameras mounted on trolleys Google use to take panoramic shots inside museums aren’t can’t get away from capturing itself. No. 1 villain: mirrors. See more selfies at Quartz.
2. Virgin America booking site’s new design kills the “Back” button.Admit it. Surfing through pages, going through a couple of notifications, ads and unnecessary add-ons can be a pain and lazes the excited traveler. But Virgin America ditched all that stuff, used spaced buttons and text and placed everything in a single screen that allows the user to scroll up and down. Even boarding pass print-outs get a touch of design as you can fold it and slide it easily in your back pocket. Read more at Wired.
3. Crayon Shin-chan postcards
Originally a comic for an adult-oriented magazine then later turned to anime, Crayon Shin-chan is popular throughout Japan and also overseas. Asahi Shimbun reported that Shin-chan’s hometown, Kasukabe has been drawing tourists for it’s Shin-chan goods and souvenirs, and numbers are expected to rise after the city released these cute Shin-chan postcards.
4. Swiss Sheep Farm in Thailand
It’s rare to see sheep in Southeast Asia, so watching these white fluffy creatures roaming around with alpacas and horses in a farm called “Swiss Sheep Farm” in Thailand is quite a treat for the locals. Where else can you see Thai-speaking sheep?
5. Sculpted Candles in Taiwan
100% cute, creepy, amazing and handmade. Taiwan’s Eye Candle will surely make you leave that candle unlit.
6. Griller’s Cheat Sheet
Photo via: Fast Co.design
For those who love grilling in camps, Column Five created the ultimate cheat sheet that guarantees you that perfectly grilled meat and veggies, without using a thermometer. Click here to view the whole infographic.
7. A cowboy-inspired bed & breakfast in Brooklyn
Urban Cowboy Bed and Breakfast in Brooklyn, New York was originally a townhouse renovated to accommodate four bedrooms and a cabin in the backyard. Staying here feels like camping, without getting far from the city.
8. Christine McConnell’s Baked Demons
Christine McConnell is a photographer who got into baking and her Instagram turned into a photo collection of terrifying — but still sweet-looking — pastries.
9. Flying eagle point-of-view
Wanna see the view over Mont Blanc? The Freedom Team strapped a GoPro camera onto an eagle and watch how amazing the aerial is.
10. Drunk food around the world
Watch this video from All That is Interesting that’ll make you want to go tipsy and hungry at the same time.

When On Earth Magazine is for people who love travel. We provide informative travel guides, tips, ideas and advice regarding places to see, things to do, what to taste, and much more for world travelers seeking their next dream vacation destination.