Colorful Umbrellas Float Above the Streets of Agueda, Portugal

Even when it rains you’ll still remain dry while walking in the streets of Agueda, Portugal. Thanks to the hundreds of colorful umbrellas suspended in the air, tourists can traipse merrily in the city streets no matter what the weather.
The Umbrella Sky Project by Sextafeira Produções first hung this colorful installation over the Aguedan skies in 2012. Photos of the floating umbrellas got quite viral over the internet, sending many tourists to walk down Portugal’s most colorful street for themselves.
Later, the art group made a comeback using a new palette of umbrellas for a different effect. The result is a vibrant shower of color over the cobblestone floor. In some parts, umbrellas with prints are hung to create playful shadows on the streets below.
They say it’s a truly magical experience walking down the colorful street yourself. Take the crowd’s advice and drop by Agueda if you can!

Megan Romer is a Louisiana-based writer specializing in travel, food, music, and art. Megan’s writing has appeared in Thrillist, TimeOut, TripSavvy, Delish, No Depression Roots Music Journal, Louisiana Life Magazine, and more. When she’s not writing, she’s singing, cooking, and beating her 9-year-old son at video games.