Since 1995, the Andean town of San Clemente, Chile has been a hub of UFO sightings. Hundreds of reports of mysterious shining spheres drifting into the water or disappearing in the woods have created a name for the town as the nation’s UFO capital, and further in the list of 10 Best Places to Spot a UFO.
In its growing popularity, the national tourism board in 2008 opened the first official UFO trail in San Clemente. The 19-mile (30 km) trail passes through the Andes, covering sites where many close encounters have taken place. Forming a major part of the trail is El Enladrillado, an elevated site at 2,200 meters asl that’s rumored to be a landing pad for the flying saucers. It’s made of smooth, perfectly-cut stone volcanic stone blocks said to have been built by ancient civilizations. To get to this site requires a 4-hour horseback ride Chilean-style through the Reserva Nacional Altos de Licray. The trail also passes by Colbun Lake, another hotspot which locals believe is frequented by UFOs because of its high mineral content.
Though the tour doesn’t guarantee visitors to actually spot a UFO during its duration, taking the trail might help them understand the nature of these “space crafts” and why they are here.

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