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Swim With The Humpback Whales of Tonga

Swim With The Humpback Whales of Tonga

WOE Media

Add a huge kind of excitement in your snorkeling adventures. If you think swimming with Nemo and the sea turtles is the only marine life interaction you could have, then take note that you can experience more by swimming with the Humpback whales of Tonga.

Officially named as the Kingdom of Tonga, this archipelago (though can’t be easily seen) lies in the South Pacific Ocean and is actually the favorite destination of Humpback whales that came all the way from Antarctica to have their own getaway to mate and give birth. And since this phenomenon happens every year, the Tongan government has figured out how to boost eco-tourism through their huge marine tourists. From whale watching – if the sea conditions are good – you can even swim with whales.

You can either choose to see the whales in the hilly Vavau’ island or the flat Haapala. Regulations only allow four swimmers plus a guide in the water good for 90 minutes as soon as they get in the water. After that, it’ll take another 90 minutes before another boat falls off to launch swimmers.

Tonga has passed multiple laws about ethical implications in this activity, ensuring the safety and well-being of the whales.

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