A cool sauna raft called Saunalautta is floating on the chilly waters of Finland to give you quite a good experience of sightseeing just right from its base or its roof. Moreover, you could sunbathe on its roof during the summer or stay in the sauna when feeling too cold. After sweating out to your limit in the sauna, do what the Finnish do and jump straight to the icy lake.
What’s actually interesting in the Saunalatta is how it was made: from recycled plastic drums as the base powered by a small outboard motor. Not only exclusive for the owners, you can also rent it for a day or two with your friends.
Other than sauna and sunbathing, you can also head to the rooftop to do a barbecue, jump on a trampoline or just relax in one of its onboard hammocks. Just check out their Facebook page for more info.

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