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The Surreal Sun Moon Lake in Nantou, Taiwan

The Surreal Sun Moon Lake in Nantou, Taiwan

WOE Media

Stunning mountain scenery, emerald green waters, unique legends worth hearing under the calm yet colorful sky – that’s what we call a perfect day. If you’d like to enjoy a peaceful trip with nature, then the Sun Moon Lake asks you to visit and witness its surreal beauty. The Sun Moon Lake is situated at Nantou County’s Yuchi Township near the center of Taiwan. It is Taiwan’s largest lake with an area of 7.93 square kilometers with a 760-meter surface elevation.

Seeing the lake itself is like viewing a Chinese painting with a crystalline lake surrounded by mountains shrouded by the mist. However, the real-life landscape painting magically changes its color due to the sky’s changing mood from day to night, from spring to winter. A one-time visit to the Sun Moon Lake isn’t going to be enough.

The lake got its unique name because its eastern part is round like the sun and its western side is shaped like a crescent moon. Lalu Island which divides the lake was the ancient settlement of the Thao people, the smallest recognized aboriginal tribe in Taiwan.

The tribe now lives in Dehua Village where tourists make time to visit to enjoy the Aboriginal dancing and singing, legends, and handicrafts. Moreover, Lalu Island turned into an attraction for couples who want to get married in its Matchmaker Pavilion.

The Sun Moon Lake is crowned as one of the Eight Wonders of Taiwan but even though it’s known for being a favorite tourist spot attracting six million visits a year, the lake is also famous as Taiwan’s source of hydroelectric power.

To make your trip in the Sun Moon Lake memorable, you can get a bike and cycle through the Sun Moon Lake’s cycling trail that’ll ensure that you can have a view of the top scenic spots like Lalu island, Weneu Temple, Cien Pagoda, Syuentzang Temple, Xian Mountain, Yongjie Bridge, Tongxin Bridge, Christian Church, Meihe Garden, Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village and Snake Kiln, and the other 14 lake trails. Don’t forget to see the lake at night when the lights start to brighten up the area mirrored by the lake’s clear waters.

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