It’s not cool to get lost in a foreign country whose language you can’t understand. Street signs are cryptic, posters say nothing but jargon, and people talk to you with their hands. It’s tiring and darn frightening. But if you got Word Lens on your iPhone, it’s a different, more exciting story.
A ground-breaking augmented reality app, Word Lens can revolutionize the way we travel. Using your smartphone’s camera, it can translate any foreign text captured on screen into good old English. Simply point the camera at any foreign signage, billboard, or price tag, and watch the words change to their English counterparts in a flash right in there on your mobile screen. Since Word Lens has an in-app dictionary, you don’t need a wi-fi signal for it to work—meaning you can use Word Lens absolutely anytime, anywhere.
It’s important to note that just like many of the other translation apps in the market, it’s inaccurate in translating longer and more complicated sentences. However, the app works awesome for single-word or phrase translations on the go, such as with road signs and restaurant menus. As founder Octavio Good said, ‘The translation isn’t perfect, but it gets the point across.’
Currently, Word Lens is available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese on both iOS and Android platforms at $4.99.

When On Earth Magazine is for people who love travel. We provide informative travel guides, tips, ideas and advice regarding places to see, things to do, what to taste, and much more for world travelers seeking their next dream vacation destination.