Are roller coasters too fast for you? Now you can enjoy those wild twisting arches at your own pace.
In Duisburg, Germany stands a “walkable roller coaster” that invites visitors to go around its towering, spiraling curves not in breakneck speeds of the real thing, but only as fast as they choose their own feet to take them. Named ‘Tiger and Turtle – Magic Mountain,’ this 20-meter structure was designed to be the focal point for the Ruhr region, standing on top of a mining waste tip at the Heinrich-Hildebrand-Height of Angerpark, 85 metres above sea level.
The work of artists Ulrich Genth and Heike Mutter, this whimsical sculpture of 249 steps is made entirely of tin, zinc and steel. The winding walkway measures 220 meters long in total, a project costing two million euros. At night, LED lights fitted into the handrails illuminate the structure.

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