The Danes might be known for their serious design attitude, but sometimes they do have a bit of fun.
Take for instance this beer bottle- shaped tower in Hellerup, Hovedstaden, Denmark. Tuborgflasken is a 26-meter tall replica of the Tuborg beer bottle that was originally built as an observation tower in the heart of the city of Copenhagen. It was created in 1888 for the Nordic Industrial, Agricultural and Art Exhibition, featuring the first ever automatic indoor elevator in the country. Built by the Tuborg Breweries, it was also memorialized the advent of bottled beer in the country.
The tower originally stood near the Copenhagen City Hall, but after the exhibition it was moved to Beach Road in the suburban town of Hellerup. To make it more maintenance-friendly, the elevator was removed and replaced with a spiral staircase, and the outer walls of the tower, formerly made of stretched canvas, was converted to fiberglass.
They say the tower itself can contain 1.5 million regular-sized Tuborg beer bottles.
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