Ever wondered how Santa spends his summer vacation? Apparently he flies to Denmark to meet with other Santas for some serious business talk (and a bit of jolly good fun) in the annual World Santa Claus Congress.
Aside from the serious talk, the Santas also take part in charity work, competitions, workshops, and public performances, such as stage plays and storytelling for children. Recently there have also been bicycle fitness tours, obstacle courses, horse racing, and funny relay games to do something about the big old men’s waistlines. At the end of the event, the Santas take part in a traditional parade around the city to spread good cheer even in summertime.
The conference happens every year in Dyrehavsbakken, the world’s oldest amusement park in Bakken, 15 kilometers (9 miles) north of Copenhagen.
Post sources: Reuters | Metro.co.uk

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