Apart from containing one of the largest art collections in Northern Europe, the ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum is a gigantic work of art by itself. When it was designed by Danish architects schmidt hammer lassen, they worked around the concept of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. From basement to the rooftop, the museum comprises 9 Spaces, galleries in the making which allude to the 9 circles of hell. A journey through the museum depicts the symbolic ascension from the underworld to glorious heaven.
At the building’s crown is a circular glass walkway with windows vibrantly tinted with the color spectrum. Entitled “Your rainbow panorama,” the installation was designed by artist Òlafur Elíasson as the representation of heaven, completing the museum’s conceptual vision in 2011. At 52 meters in diameter, the rainbow skywalk offers 360-degree panoramic views of the city of Aarhus in slowly changing hues. The full spectrum of colors was created by inserting gradating colored sheets between two plates of glass. At night, the floors of the walkway are lit, creating a colorful lamp for the city.
Aside from the 9 Spaces, the museum is divided into three permanent collections: The Danish “Golden Age” 1770–1900, Danish Modernism 1900–1960 and Contemporary Art. The ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum is among the largest art museums in Scandinavia.
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