Why do you travel? There could be that point in life wherein you just can’t stop exploring and all you can think of is your next destination. Have you thought of why you keep on doing this? Each person got their own reasons but at the end, all travelers have something in common: the heart for exploring and learning something new. And we’ve got some new things in here too that we just found in the internet. Read on and be inspired.
1. What Type of Traveler Are You Actually?
You could be that guy who wants to be all alone while traveling or you could be that party-monster who won’t miss a day without chugging the booze. Take this quiz and find out what type of traveller you are.
2. Pizzas Around the World
Pizza isn’t only found in New York and Italy. France, Japan, Turkey and other countries have their own versions of the world’s favorite flat-bread that you should definitely try. Feast your eyes with this list and prepare to get hungry.
3. 215 Countries, 26 Years and One Engine
Gunther Holtorf left Bavaria for Africa in 1989 with his blue four-by-four car. He’s back in his hometown – 26 years later. Find out where he had been here.
4. Beijing from Above
A drone travel video again guys. And this time it’s over China’s Beijing City brought to you by the travel photographer, Trey Ratcliff. See the video here.
5. 7 Signs You Need to Go Abroad
Are you back in your daily routine but feeling uncomfortable? If you’ve been daydreaming about flying more than a hundred times a week, you might have a problem. Check out these signs that will tell you that you badly need to go abroad.
6. Ladera in Soufriere, Saint Lucia
A beautiful retreat spot 1,100 feet above the azure Caribbean Sea. Deal. See more photos here.
7. The Deepest, Darkest, Oldest, Loneliest Hotel Room in the World
If you’d like to have that staycation in an isolated place, all away from the craze happening in your city, staying underground could be the best for you. Check out the Grand Canyon Caverns Underground Suite.
8. A Traveler’s Reflection
Do you remember how awesome it feels when you step on to another place that lights up your adventurous mind and spirit? The places you see, the people you meet, that uncomfortable feeling of being lost are all life’s lectures that you can’t just learn inside those four-walls. Read this article by Morgan Sullivan and remember why you’ve always yearned to travel.
9. Get Your Ski Gear Ready for the Upcoming Season
Excited to ski? Stop and read these tips that’ll help you get ready for the slopes.
10. Funny One-Star Yelp Reviews on National Parks
People have their own tastes and what could be jaw-dropping for you might be the most boring place for someone else. Check out these funny reviews from the people who didn’t quite enjoy some of the famous national parks.
And don’t forget to visit our Facebook page and Twitter page! Share us some of the amazing places you’ve seen lately online and offline.

When On Earth Magazine is for people who love travel. We provide informative travel guides, tips, ideas and advice regarding places to see, things to do, what to taste, and much more for world travelers seeking their next dream vacation destination.