Have you ever woken up and thought of doing something random even for just a day? Maybe something like trying that newly-opened cafe or suddenly booking a flight to a place you’re not even familiar with. That’ll be a mixture of fun and fear for sure, but who knows what amazing memories these could leave you, right?
But then it’s the weekend, you might be even too lazy to head out somewhere and it’s best that you just sit, relax and check out these interesting articles we’ve found on the web world this week.
1. Everglades National Park
America’s largest subtropical wilderness, the Everglades National Park, ranks high when it comes to sites with great biological diversity. Check out this article for the things to see and the activities you can do in this park which only holds all three designations (a UNESCO World Heritage Site, an International Biosphere Reserve, and a Wetland of International Importance) in the US.
2. The Smallest Hotel Rooms in the World
If you like small accommodations for its affordable price or just for the experience, see this slideshow of the smallest hotel rooms in the world.
3. @lukhard1’s Instagram photos
Instagram sometimes unexpectedly turns into a travel photo portfolio whether for a typical user or for true photographers. The account @lukhard1 offers you a taste of street style from Wisconsin to Illinois.
4. Samothraki Waterfalls
There are more remote places in Greece that should be discovered, and one of them is Samothraki. This could be a typical Greek island for some, but if you see its waterfalls, you’d surely want to stay and watch. Know more about the waterfalls here.
5. Top 10 Paris Experiences on a Budget
Stay away from Paris if you’re traveling on a budget… NOT. You can definitely go around and see its famous spots, eat around and chill without spending a lot, and you can even dare yourself to spend nothing with these top 10 budget-friendly tips.
6. How to be Fluent in Spanish in Less than a Year
Less than a year you ask? To be exact, Are We There Yet’s Trisha Velarmino learned the language and became fluent in just 3-4 months. If she can do it, you sure can do too! Read how she did it here.
7. An Unusual Love for Finnish Salmiakki
Finland’s black licorice candy Salmiakki isn’t really the type that everyone in the world will love. Variety TV shows even feature it and dare to give it a shot due to its oddness. But for Nomadic Samuel, it isn’t that odd at all, but rather addicting. Don’t know what a Salmiakki is? Check this out and you might end up trying it.
8. Caribbean Backpacking on a Budget
Cycling El Mundo has a cool guide that’ll take you on a journey on how to go backpacking around the Caribbean that can cost you US$25 a day. Read the complete guide here.
9. Antarctica Travel Tips
Have you been to anywhere else in the world and just waiting for that perfect time to shout “Antarctica, here I come!”? Before you start planning that freezing trip to way, way down under, check out Mapping Megan’s 5 Tips for Travel to Antarctica.
10. New York’s Best Pizza Joints
New York. Pizza. Everywhere. That’s true but if you’re confused and don’t wanna be bothered trying slices in each pizza parlor, A Luxury Travel Blog did an awesome job to look for the best in New York. Check out the top 7 shops that made it in their list.
And again for suggestions, leave us a comment below. Like and follow us too!

When On Earth Magazine is for people who love travel. We provide informative travel guides, tips, ideas and advice regarding places to see, things to do, what to taste, and much more for world travelers seeking their next dream vacation destination.