Floating 5.5 meters (20 feet) above the Lujiazui Road in the Pudong district of Shanghai is a new circular pedestrian bridge that not only is outstanding in aesthetic standards, but achieves an environment-friendly purpose as well.
Built only in 2011, the pedestrian bridge allows commuters to avoid the busy traffic in the Lujiazui round-about by providing a clean and convenient platform for foot transport. The bridge also connects leisure areas such as malls and cafés to transit stations and even office buildings such as the Oriental Pearl Tower.
Since its opening, the pedestrian bridge became an instant tourist attraction, with its privileged street views and modern design. However, the bridge is also part of China’s initiative to create innovations and reform infrastructures to become more eco-friendly. Some of the nation’s efforts have even been awarded by the World Wildlife fund for combating climate change. A perfect example of using design for the greater good.
Post source: Amusing Planet | Picpool

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