Ever wondered how it felt like to be inside a washing machine? Zorbing gives you an idea.
A brainchild of the crazy New Zealanders, Zorbing is an adrenaline-pumping experience that combines hamster wheels with Laundromat using a humongous plastic ball called the zorb. Guests are warmly shown into the zorb and provided some 5 gallons of water for some light splashing. Once comfortable, they get thrown off the hill for a head-spinning, heart-thumping, stomach-churning, insanely awesome ride.
Zorbing comes in 3 forms: aqua zorbing or zydro (as described above), dry zorbing (riders secured in place by safety belts as the ball tumbles on), and zurfing (human hamsters walk the zorb on water). While the ride looks totally nauseating, reports say that in over 100,000 zorbers, no one has ever thrown up.
But in one incident, one zorber did die. It was all over the news.
Zorbing is completely safe—even 10-year olds can go rolling. But we’d like to give a shout out to future zorbers to keep an eye out for shady zorb operators and be wary of safety measures to avoid more of these accidents and “accidents”.
Zorb safe!

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