Pandas are invading cities and it’s time for you to watch out their route or else, you might get caught off-guard by their cuteness. From Europe to Asia, these pandas are busy roaming around, posing on different tourist spots to easily grab everyone’s attention. There’s 1600 of them set on an important mission.
But before you run screaming towards the group of pandas, take note that they aren’t soft at all and are papier-mâchés made by the French artist, Paulo Grangeon in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund. See some pandas sitting, standing on all fours, and holding up picket signs to raise awareness about the conservation of their endangered family. If they could talk, they’ll probably shout, “Hey! There’s only 1600 of us left!”
The pandas have already toured in France, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Taiwan. Moreover, they’ve also posed with other paper friends like bears, tigers and a solo green frog. Expect them to visit more countries and when they visit your city, be sure not to miss them.

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