Handshakes, cheek-to-cheek, brofists, and hand waves are what we see as usual actions when greeting someone. But don’t you know there are more besides these? Know more about the unusual greetings around the world. Do you want to try doing these?
1. New Zealand
In New Zealand, they have a traditional Maori greeting called hongi. Hongi involves the rubbing or touching of noses when two people meet. This act is referred to as the “ha” or the “breath of life” which is considered to have come from the gods.
2. Tibet
Tibetans say welcome by sticking out their tongues. This tradition has been practiced since the 9th century during the time of Lang Darma, a Tibetan king known to have a black tongue.
The people were scared that he’ll be reincarnated, so they start sticking out their tongues when meeting someone to prove that they aren’t evil. This greeting is often accompanied by placing their palms down in front of their chest.
3. Tuvalu
In Tuvalu, their traditional welcome involves pressing one’s face to the other person’s cheek and then taking a deep sniff.
4. Mongolia
The Mongols present a hada, which is a strip of silk or cotton when an acquaintance or an unfamiliar guest visit their home. The guest should grasp the strip gently with both hands while doing a slight bow.
5. Philippines
In the Philippines, it’s important that the young ones greet the elderly people by holding the elder’s right hand, leaning forward, and making sure that the knuckles will reach and press the greeter’s forehead while saying “Mano Po.”
6. Greenland
The traditional greeting practiced by the Inuits, or Eskimos, in Greenland is called kunik. This is done by pressing one’s nose and upper lip against another’s skin, then breathing on them.

Kailey is a travel writer currently based in New York, but mostly on the move. She loves sharing interesting stories from her experiences with the local culture, food and adventure activities through her writing. When she is not eating french fries and sipping wine, you can find her traveling to different areas, capturing new stories, teaching yoga, or working on her helicopter license.
It’s incredible to realize how many greetings there are in the world
Wow, I’m impressed about the different ways to greet people in different countries.