If opera doesn’t freak you out enough by itself, then perhaps this production would.
A gigantic head and torso of a dead man, a large skeleton looming over a humonguous book, a table set in a French Café magnified a thousand times—these spectacular floating theatrical stage sets adorn Lake Constance every two years for the world-famous operas in the Bregenzer Festspiele (Bregenz Festival).
Up to 7,000 people fill the audience to witness this hauntingly beautiful spectacle come to life each night in this summer music festival. Besides the fearsome performances of opera singers and the magnificent stage design, watching ferries sail in the distance and the lake waters reflecting the colors of the sunset are part of the magic of the show.
Tickets are up for grabs for a limited time only. They get sold out so quickly.
The Bregenz Festival started in 1946, a year after the war, and is held in the bay of Lake Constance in Austria, near the border of Germany and Switzerland every July to August.

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