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The World’s Tallest Treehouse in Crossville, Tennessee

The World’s Tallest Treehouse in Crossville, Tennessee

WOE Media

Peter Pan is not the only one that wants to stay young forever. Humans all over the globe have desired youthfulness and have gone through extensive measures to maintain the essence of their childhood. That’s why skin wrinkle reduction creams are hot on the market and the people that buy the newest corvettes are well into their sixties. Most people have given into the fact that aging will happen ‒ the skin will sag, the hair will gray, but there’s truth in the statement, “You’re as young as you feel.” One of the greatest ways to feel like a kid again is to take a nice trip to Crossville, Tennessee and visit the world’s tallest treehouse.

Horace Burgess, a Tennessee minister, found reason elsewhere to build his ten- story (that’s a little over a 100 feet tall!) treehouse. He said that God told him to pursue the project, and in 1993, he got to work. Gathering tons of reclaimed wood, Burgess set out to create something that would maintain his child- like nature and be the envy of many. Of course, it didn’t hurt that this ordained minister was also a land architect. Burgess had the know- how as well as the creativity to build, from the ground up, a very elaborate building.

The treehouse, which doubles as a church and Burgess’s home, is supported by six adult oak trees as its foundation. Although this treehouse has the unofficial title as “World’s Tallest,” who can dispute the 10,000 square footage interior. Besides, Guinnes doesn’t even have a competition brewing for World’s Tallest Treehouse. This was a unique and miraculous creation that not many people could conjure up and actually build. Burgess intended the treehouse be a place to worship as well as be a physical testament to the will of God. The word “Jesus,” accompanied by a giant cross, is carved out in the lawn in front of the infrastructure.

For many years, the world’s tallest treehouse was available as a public attraction, offering children and adults alike, the chance to explore its spacious rooms, winding staircases, and nooks of mystery. However, in 2012, the place was closed for building violations. It was declared that the majestic treehouse did not suit specific protocol when it came down to being a public attraction.

After all of these years, working with his hands, adding and adding onto his masterpiece, Burgess finally placed a monetary value on the property. Most of the money he had to spend on his giant treehouse creation went to its nails ‒ over 250,000 nails were harmed during this production‒ and Burgess places a value on that to about $12,000. Yes, he’s only going to charge you $12,000 for a giant treehouse. Of course, the value for something so enormous and thick with history could never be accurate. Some things, like memories, are priceless.

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