Travel Hack #11 How to take better photos using your smartphone while traveling
Gone are the days when we have to lug around a huge DSLR to take high-quality photos on our holiday trips. If you have a smartphone, you should know that its little camera lens can do amazing things despite its deceptive looks. Smartphones are ten times lighter than bulky cameras and are easier to whip out when a picture-perfect moment comes along. Since it’s a new technology altogether, smartphone cameras have their own technical quirks, and it pays to learn them so you can take the best photos the easiest, fastest way.
Tiffany Lew of Frommer’s outlines expert advice as she interviews the top iPhoneographers to date: Sion Fullana and Jen Pollack Bianco. From finding the best angle, experimenting with light, and sharing shots to the right community, here’s are some expert tips on how to get the most from your smartphone camera.
Read it HERE!

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