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Diga di Luzzone: The Swiss Dam That’s Also the World’s Largest Artificial Climbing Wall

Diga di Luzzone: The Swiss Dam That’s Also the World’s Largest Artificial Climbing Wall

WOE Media

If you’re up for a challenge and into wall climbing, you might be interested in Switzerland’s man-made climbing route, the Diga di Luzzone. The working dam slash artificial wall is considered as the Everest of wall climbing as it extends up to 540 vertical feet from the base to the top of the dam.

Climbers have to go through 5 pitches that curves up  to the dam while being surrounded by panoramic Swiss mountains, though the scenery might be the last thing in your mind if you’re going to climb this giant.

Take note that there won’t be routes for beginners in here and you have to pay 20 Swiss francs to get the keys to unlock the ladder that leads you to the first section (and 100 Swiss francs as key surety).

To give you a sense of how truly high the climb is, the rock climbing wall below is about one-fifth the size of the Diga di Luzzone.

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