Doing pranks or locally known as dokkiri in Japan has been a favorite form of entertainment from their local TV to Youtube. Some can involve simple acting skills to complete a time-freezing act and some would go overboard like using mega-fans to blow off people into a pool of mud. Some are staged and some are well-planned to freak out random people. Aren’t these pranks too cruel? Hmm… for the Japanese, maybe not. It’s pretty much another normal day.
Another normal day indeed, like when you’re…
getting primped up
crossing the street
drinking on a water fountain
going to work
taking the elevator
having a smoke break
walking on your way home
feeding your dog
getting your hair cut in the salon
getting pampered at the spa
looking at the mirror while waiting
going for lunch in a restaurant
going for a medical check-up
bonding with your sibling
or when you just want to try out some new Japanese technology in ordering pizzas in America.
Everything’s normal in Japan. Don’t be surprised.

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